Friday 28 July 2006

mock at will

I just ordered a spinning kit. Yes, I have turned into one of Those knitters; no longer content to simply buy vast quantities of yarn, I am going to learn to make my own. The spindle and roving are my reward for working on the HCOH. I am now 3/4 of the way done with the second front panel, and have only one sleeve, assembly, neck and button band to go after that. I will probably live to regret saying this - oh, hubris! - but I actually kind of like finishing. Well, except for weaving in the ends, but I've been doing Russian joins when I add a new ball on the HCOH, so I won't have as many ends to weave in as I might otherwise. It's not quite as easy as spit splicing wool, but I'm very glad I learned to do it, and I'll be even gladder when I'm finishing this bad boy.

And here is my second pair of socks:

more socks

I loved making these. They're made from Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in the Moody Blues colourway, knitted on 3.25mm Brittany DPNs, and they took me about a week to make, with plenty of non-knitting busy-ness in there, so they didn't consume my every waking moment. Heh. Until I turned the heel on the second one, at which point I became obsessed and just knit like fury until they were done. I am sticking to a very simple pattern for a while, mostly because I either plan on knitting socks for Phil (who isn't exactly the lace type) or I'll be making them from variegated or self-striping yarn so beautiful I don't think it needs a fancy stitch pattern. The colourway is a bit deeper and darker than it appears in that photo, which I took in very bright sunlight. One thing this very hot, sunny weather has been good for is rapidly drying wool, 'cos those suckers blocked in about two hours flat. I am deeply in love with Cherry Tree Hill Supersock; I don't know how well it's going to wear, but it is just pure heaven to knit with, especially now that I have some wood DPNs to work with. Aluminium needles, in most cases, are just not for me, since I'm a tight knitter, and I need that little bit of flex you get with wood or bamboo.

I am going to finish the second front panel of the HCOH tonight if it kills me, so I can cast on another pair of socks in that Koigu I've been hoarding.


Cynthia Sharpe said...


I am at once pointing and laughing and jealous.

ana said...

No! Just a drop spindle, I swear to god! Just a little taste. I won't get hooked, nope, I swear.

I should, however, point out that cashmere roving is waaaaaaaay cheaper than cashmere yarn.