Sunday 17 December 2006

smells like home

I've finally reached the point on the scarf I'm currently making where I think, wow, I've done quite a lot, I'm really getting there. All knitters reading this (and really, who else would?) will know that this means I have now entered a timewarp, and I will be knitting for seven thousand years or at least two days (they will be indistinguishable units of time, trust me) before any more conspicuous progress is made.

This point where time and progress merge and stubbornly stand still is particularly noticeable with this project, which is a scarf knit flat on a 80cm circular needle, so I can stripe many colours of yarn and make a fringe at the same time. 300+ stitches per row, folks. Zzzzzzzzz. Its sole redeeming feature (besides the fact that I think it's gonna look great) is that at least I get to change colours every row. The yarn is lovely, I adore the colours, the fibre blend (50/50 merino and silk) is one I'm inclined to think is the most enjoyable for me to knit with, and it's my favourite weight (DK, how I love you), so it's not total torture or anything, but I will be very glad when it's done.

I had a fair amount of time to spend knitting today, because I had to stay in the house for at least eight hours while the pudding steamed. The weather's been crappy, surprise, surprise, and while there are things I probably should be out and doing, I can't say I regretted losing a day of running around to quietly staying home, with husband and cats, in a house that smells of fir tree and spices. I like this life.

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